Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In my good life with love, perhaps today I dawned with this sensation of being alone although I had stumbled thousand of times with a neighbor, relative or friend. But not, it is not like that, I am in the center of a multitude although at first I was thinking that I was alone. I am here and the whole universe surrounds me. I am accompanied by inert things as air, dust, stones, bricks, ground, wood and much more. Also alive beings like friends, neighbors, relatives, strangers, plants, insects, birds, up to bacteria and microbes. And if I extend my vision, I have the company of the mountains, the clouds, the sun, the moon and the stars. And the biggest thing is that my spirit accompanies me, my conscience, my experience, my illusions and up to my fantasies. I raise my fortitude and fill moreover my good life with love, since really I have realized that I am not alone.

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